Būvspeciālisti aicināti piedalīties otrajā starptautiskajā tiešsaistes simpozijā Ilgtspējīga būvniecība (Sustainable Construction – SustaCon) šī gada 2.–3.septembrī, ko rīko Salerno universitāte Itālijā. Dalība tiešsaistes forumā ikvienam pieejama bez maksas.
Vairāk informācijas e-pasta vēstules tekstā angliski un pievienotajos dokumentos.
“We are glad to announce that applications for the 2nd online International Symposium on Sustainable Construction – SustaCon, to be held online on the 2nd and the 3rd of September 2021, are open. Please, find attached the announcement and the application form, also available at the following link: https://www.diciv.unisa.it/unisa-rescue-page/dettaglio/id/1678/module/487/row/6535/second-international-symposium-on-sustainable-construction.
We kindly ask you to promote the event among your students and colleagues. The registration is free of charge, since the event is financially supported by the University of Salerno.
Those that will be available and willing to travel to Salerno, can attend the SustaCon sessions in person at the University of Salerno, upon specific request and fulfilling the national and international regulations that will be in force in September. Travel, accommodation and food expenses are in charge of participants.
Beside the promotion of the event among the students, we remind that your scientific contributions are welcome within the program of the event. At the moment we got confirmation from last year’s lecturers Martins Vilnitis, Jian Kang and Natasa Todorovic. In addition, more contributions are coming from other colleagues that are interested in the topics of SustaCon. If interested in giving a presentation, please send us a tentative title as soon as possible, not later than July 22, 2021. The program is under construction and will be published in August.
For any other information, please contact Prof. Claudio Guarnaccia, PhD, Associate Professor of Applied Physics, Civil Engineering Department, University of Salerno.
Address: Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, 84084 – Fisciano (SA), Italy;
Tel.: +39 089 969356; +39 089 964021; Fax: +39 089 969658.”